Gary Zukav for years has conveyed the most complex insights in language all can understand. Over and over, he challenges us to see the depth of our potential in the world…
and act on that awareness.
He is the author of four consecutive New York Times Bestsellers. In 1979, The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, plumbed the depths of quantum physics and relativity, winning The American Book Award for Science. In 1989, The Seat of the Soul led the way to seeing the alignment of the personality and the soul as the fulfillment of life and captured the imagination of millions, becoming the #1 New York Times bestseller over thirty times and remaining on the New York Times bestseller list almost three years. Soul Stories (2000), as well as The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness (2002) and The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice (2003), both co-authored with Linda Francis, also became New York Times Bestsellers.

His gentle presence, humor, and wisdom have endeared Gary Zukav to millions of viewers through his many appearances on The Oprah Winfrey Show, over six million copies of his books are in print, and translations have been published in twenty-four languages. Gary Zukav grew up in the Mid-west, graduated from Harvard, and became a Special Forces (Green Beret) officer with Vietnam service before writing his first book.

Soul to Soul:
Communications from the Heart


The Seat of the Soul


Soul Stories


The Heart of the Soul: Emotional Awareness


The Mind of the Soul: Responsible Choice


Self Empower-


Thoughts from the Heart of the Soul


Thoughts from the Seat of the Soul


The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

MeltdownThe global economic meltdown is activating fear in millions of individuals who, in turn, are activating it in millions more. Cable news channels, always seeking advertising revenue, report the grimmest news in the most attention-attracting ways, which intensifies fear. Last evening, for example, one reported the “horrifying numbers” contained in the latest government report on unemployment. It is important to remember that this kind of news activates fear-based parts of your personality and if you are not aware of them, you will act from these parts by judging, complaining, becoming depressed, and more. You can become aware of them by focusing your attention inside your body and feeling the uncomfortable or painful sensations that they produce when they become active (instead of focusing your attention outside your body on what triggers those sensations). Recognizing this is crucial to well-being, health, and spiritual growth.

FearThe frightened parts of your personality that become horrified (or angry, jealous, resentful, depressed, etc.) at unemployment numbers or anything else have been horrified (angry, jealous, resentful, etc.) before and will become horrified again. They exist independently of the triggers that activate them. Healing the frightened parts of your personality (instead of trying to change the triggers of them) creates spiritual growth. This is helpful to remember the next time a frightened part of your personality becomes active, for example, when you feel fear, despair, helplessness, or hopelessness.

Whether you are watching the news or your home is being foreclosed or anything between, the frightened parts of your personality that are panicked, angry, etc., are the very parts that you must heal in order to free yourself permanently from their painful experiences. You can attempt to change the circumstances that activate them (this is the pursuit of external power) and relieve the pain temporarily if you are successful, or you can eradicate the source of these painful experiences permanently (this is the creation of authentic power).

Keep your eye on the ball the next time a frightened part of your personality becomes active. It is an opportunity to create authentic power. You can challenge it by consciously experiencing the pain of this part of your personality (instead of, for example, distracting yourself) and while you are experiencing the pain of it, choose to do something different (respond) instead of what it habitually does (react). Every circumstance – including declining equity values, collapse of housing prices, failure of a bank, and ongoing credit crunch – offers you an opportunity to create authentic power. This is important to understand because creating authentic power – harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life – individual by individual is now central to replacing obsolete social structures (such as education, health, commerce, and governance in addition to financial) that reflect the perception of power as the ability to manipulate and control with new social structures that are built on the values of the soul.

Cupping the SunThe purpose of the Seat of the Soul Institute is to help you create authentic power. I invite you to visit www.seatofthesoul.com; print out the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines on the home page (and practice them); take a free online course; read empowering articles and interviews; and email me at Gary@seatofthesoul.com.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I love this post. thank you.
posted by Blogger Lori: April 9, 2009 at 11:53 AM Delete: 
Gary wrote: The purpose of the Seat of the Soul Institute is to help you create authentic power. I invite you to visit www.seatofthesoul.com; print out the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines on the home page (and practice them)


We've had these wonderful guidelines up on our forum for almost a year now!...

Spiritual Partnership Guidelines

Thank you for creating them!

posted by Blogger ...being here, doing this...: April 9, 2009 at 8:49 PM Delete: 
It is interesting that the article began with a mention of fear-mongering in the news media. I have often thought, especially recently, that the news media was quicker to lull than to excite people about any details of the groundbreaking financial (entire paradigm) crisis that we're having.

But your point is well taken. Moving forward I will keep the fear-mongering aspect of journalism in mind as I approach my daily news intake. Perhaps I'll feel more positively about our collective likely future.

Thanks for the post!

posted by Blogger CompactCharm: April 13, 2009 at 2:39 PM Delete: 

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Authentic power is the experience of fulfillment, gratitude, and meaning. It is the alignment of your personality with your soul – with harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life. Creating authentic power is the evolutionary requirement of a new, emerging multisensory humanity – a species that is not confined to the perceptions of the five senses. We are becoming a highly intuitive, heart-centered species, and our previous understanding of power as the ability to manipulate and control now produces only violence and destruction.

From our new perspective, external circumstances are symbolic and provide us information about our intentions, individual and collective, so that we can change them and create healthy and inspiring symbols rather than unhealthy and debilitating symbols. The symbols that surround us – our systems of governance, commerce, education, health care, science, and military, among others – reflect the pursuit of external power and are disintegrating. This disintegration of social (and interpersonal) structures is the product of a profoundly positive process, not a pathology. This is important to understand.

The thoughts that you will read here will always support you in viewing our collective experiences and your personal experiences as opportunities to create authentic power – to become emotionally aware, choose responsibly, consult your intuition, and contribute the gifts that you were born to give to this new and unprecedented phase of human evolution.

Authentic Power Coaching